Thursday, November 21, 2013

Random Belgians

One of the most interesting, not to mention distracting (or should that be "time-wasting"), aspects of the internet is the way you can just keep wandering down random paths.  Just clicking on the links in a Wikipedia article can take you to the most unusual places.  As the old Yellow Pages ad said "Let your fingers do the walking".  And so it was with only a couple of clicks the other day, there I was looking at a list of "The Greatest Belgians".  Now, that's not a list you'll see every day!

As for the list itself, apart from discovering that quite a few French people were in fact Belgians, and that the Dutch-speaking Belgians voted for a largely different top 10, it lost all credibility for me when I saw that there was no Plastic Bertrand or Hercule Poirot in the list.  I mean, sacre bleu!

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