Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Original

Apparently there's been a royal birth.  Watching TV, you could be forgiven for concluding that there is nothing else happening.

But then, just when you're telling your cynical self that you've seen all this royal stuff before: the crowds, the banks of tv cameras and those strange talking heads called "royal watchers", you see something new.  They have a shouty fellow!  With a bell!  Now we're talking!

He's the original Twitter, you know. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Perhaps You'd Rather Say

I do like how sometimes, the words suggested by your predictive text make for better reading than what you're actually typing. 

The other day, I had tried a rather good Belgian beer, Maredsous Bruin, and, when typing it into Google to find out more about it, the suggested text was "Marvellous Brine", which, in a way, almost seemed to sum it up perfectly. 

Then there was the girlfriend whose name was always suggested as "Annoy" but I digress!

I think there should be a Predictive Text Day where everybody just sends and/or searches for whatever suggested text comes up.  It would make for a marvellously random sort of day!