Saturday, November 6, 2010

Close The Openings

I heard today that 4.5 billion people watched the Olympic opening ceremony. That's a lot of people. I wasn't one of them. I just don't get the whole point of having hours of people dancing and singing before a sports event.

Accepting however, that there is clearly a huge audience of people not like me, I don't see why they don't save a lot of money by dropping the sport event altogether and just holding the opening ceremony. You wouldn't have to build new stadiums or an athletes village. You wouldn't need the athletes. You also wouldn't have to wait every four years. Conversely, and most importantly, having had all these cermonies through the year, when we did actually get round to having a sporting event, you then wouldn't need an opening ceremony to accompany it. That way, when the next Olympics comes around, I could just sit down on the first evening and watch some sport!

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