Mighty and Grand; look up one of those in a thesaurus and you'll find the other. In a rare moment of verification, I thought I'd check that and sure enough, a search on "Mighty" in Thesaurus.com yields:
august, bulky, colossal, considerable, dynamic, eminent, enormous, extensive, extraordinary, grand, great, heroic, high, huge, illustrious, immense, imposing, impressive, intense, irresistible, large, magnificent, majestic, massive, moving, notable, prodigious, renowned, stupendous, titanic, towering, tremendous, vast.
Funnily enough, most of those are also much better names. How about an Angus Stupendous, or an Angus Illustrious, or perhaps the Angus Colossal? Not so hungry? You can downsize to the Angus Considerable? Or maybe you just like to keep it simple, in which case, it’s the Angus Huge for you.
Meanwhile back in the the real world, it’s back to the Mighty or the Grand and trying to work out which one has the extra piece of salad on it.
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