Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How To Be An Expert

I heard this week that the trial had begun in Norway for the terrible shooting and bombing incidents that happened last July. 

It reminded me of how, when the news broke, there were instantly expert analysts on the air explaining how something of this complexity could only be put together by Al Qaeda.  At least the BBC interviewer, (Owen Bennett Jones, possibly), expressed his frustration with one guy and asked "How can you possibly say that?". Most of the time though, these opinions just go unchallenged. 

As we know, within 24 hours it was established that the attacks had been planned and carried out by a right-wing, anti-Muslim, anti-immigration extremist. In other words, pretty much someone from the opposite end of the political spectrum (although equally extreme).  So what happened next?  Did they call back the experts and get them to explain how they had got it so wrong?  No chance. It never happens; the story just rolls on and as the truth comes to light, everyone forgets the patently absurd statements that had been previously made.  It makes you wonder if these, no doubt, highly paid individuals are nothing more than propaganda mouthpieces.   

It also shows that to be an expert all you need do is express an opinion.  You don't have to worry about being wrong because you will never be called to account over it.

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